2 Timothy 4:5

But you—keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant. (2 Timothy 4:5 the message)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Sadly, on most of the times that I have great stories there are no pictures... I was serving and most of the time it never occurred to me to stop and take photos. So I am sorry.. I did not come back with enough photos. But here is one of many stories.

Before I start, let me restate. My trip to Nicaragua, though it was tough, I would not trade my time there for a second. God did some amazing things and I am so glad for this opportunity to have gone again. When I last posted, I started that I was hard on myself and yet, God pulled me out of my negative pit and showed me the GOOD that was completed. Glorios a Dios! Again though I had one of those negative days, I would return to Nicaragua in a heart beat. I am so grateful to have been able to serve with some pretty amazing people.

On to the true story..

There is one neighborhood that most that live there are prostitutes and their children. All of these children have usually come from their mothers profession. El Shaddai has been working in the area and one of the prostitutes made the choice for change and has been working in her neighbourhood to introduce them to Jesus. On most Thursday afternoons, a few of us would head to their neighboorhood and have a Bible Study.

While I was there, a government project was happening for getting zinc (metal roofs) for different families. A few in this neighbourhood were able to apply.

One family who received government zinc is named Sonya (insert picture here... sadly.. I don't have.. I'm sorry!)

Sonya, being a single mother of 4 children (10 years-8 months) was not able to personally place her zinc on the house for a couple reasons. Firstly, let me tell you, that zinc is not only heavy but awkward. If I have my internal measuring tape correct they are about 8 feet long by 3 feet. Secondly, Sonya's house was leaning to one side and we could not determine if it would fall over with the new zinc plus people on the house to install the zinc.

Yet, God is the orchestrator for His good.

The same week that the zinc was delivered, there was an American team coming who had also donated money for a roofing project. So instead of buying more zinc, we bought new logs to hold up the zinc. (meaning, Sonya and her 4 children were getting a new house!!)

Sonya and some of her friends dug the holes for the posts (7 plus later 1 more needed to be dug) and the American team plus El Shaddai (and me! the only woman on that project) went to work! We constructed the truss, installed the zinc, and used brand new plastic and the some of the old zinc (after washed) to the sides of the house.

Due to the nasty looking sky, we could not tear her house down until after we had at least a roof on the new house to move her valuables over. This meant that one side of the house could not be closed in due to the fact that her old house was inside her new house! It was an interesting project!

I really enjoyed watching Sonya and her family watch in awe as their new house was coming together. It's really hard to imagine 7 logs (that in no way shape or form were straight or the same length!) sticking out of the ground will really eventually look like a house.

The house was not completely finished when the American team needed to head out but not before they stopped and prayed for Sonya, her children, blessing her home to be blessed with good things, and that she will be able to provide for her family in another way.

The El Shaddai team kept working and mostly finished building the house that day. The excitement of the children and the tears in Sonya's eyes made a hard day of work well worth every penny..


Another story of that day, was that I was introduced to biting ants... Her house was under a tree and the ants lived in the tree but were being tossed onto the workers below by the construction team on the roof.

I was never so happy to have been wearing a tank top and a t-shirt that day..

I tore off my t-shirt, with help, took off the ants, and washed the bitten spots with soap and water..

Sadly the itch didn't go away.. so the t-shirt came off again and hand sanitizer was spread on me! hahaha.. Ohh the experiences!

The best part was one of the El Shaddai youth telling my ant story and trying to act like I had! I had a good laugh.. However, I am sure I looked a little more crazy.. :)


Just because it feels weird not to post at least one photo..

More stories to come!

Monday, August 15, 2011

In Canada

When I am asked how the trip went my answer is –good, tough but good. I do not know if I can come up with a different answer. Let me say, I love Nicaragua. It is a beautiful country. A place I call home. There are beautiful and handsome people in it. Many amazing local people working to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

There are places in this trip that were incredibly hard. Places in which I never thought would happen. I knew to expect the poverty. I knew to expect to see men, women and children hungry (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and having practically nothing. Yes, of course my heart broke for those things. But it was the other things that have broken me even more. However, they are things that out of respect for the people involved; I cannot speak of or write about. All I can say is please pray for the things that have broken my heart. My heart yearns for justice and chains to be broken.

Transitioning to life in Canada has been a bit of a whirlwind. I returned to Canada and within 12 hours I was heading on another trip for a friend’s wedding. I am very grateful to have gone and the weather was much nicer than where I am from which helped some. I was still cold though (and still am)! The wedding was beautiful and I am very blessed to see a great friend be married to a great guy.

In Nicaragua, sometimes it was hard to remember about your personal needs but within hours of returning to Canada, my heart sank as I realized how I had quickly adjusted to what I needed. Even in Nicaragua I know there were places where I could have been more selfless in my actions. Actually many times, I am embarrassed of my actions.

Yesterday, August 14th, was a difficult day. I am a pretty happy person with a smile that most people enjoy seeing. However, it was not always like that. I may have had a smile on my face but my thoughts were all negative and beating the crap out of myself and everything I did or did not do. Jesus has done a lot of work in my life and one place was with my thoughts. However, there are times in which my thoughts turn negative.

Yesterday was one of those days.

I questioned whether being in Nicaragua was really worth it. Did I actually make a difference? Did the harmful actions that I had at times just make things worse? The main thought was that this trip was horrible because of the things that broke my heart – the actions of those who were harmful, the injustice that was done as well as the actions that I had that were not pleasing to God.

In the middle of the day, I had to almost slap myself, realizing how I was taking myself down a destructive path. A path in which the devil wanted me to walk down but our cross barring Jesus was not. The amazing thing about our God, so great, is that He covers a multitude of sins. The mistakes I made, the mistakes others made are covered by His grace. As I repented for my destructive thoughts, the thoughts of the things I saw that did make a difference in the lives of others returned.

Yes, not everything was beautiful and amazing but there were some pretty amazing things that happened. Things that I desire to share on my blog over the next little while, though most start with a sad story. Just like a rainbow - you must have the rain (not so good) and the sun (the good).

Where I was living did not have internet for over a month... though we thought it would only be 10 days, it was not. I am sorry for not being able to share while I was there. I hope sharing now will be able to show what your donations and prayers were able to achieve in the last month I was there.

On a personal note, here is an updated photo of me!

Photo taken by the lovely Lorna Rande in Penticton BC (Note - it was about 31 degree Celsius and I was in pants, shoes, tank top, a t-shirt and never left the hotel without a sweater! The lack of humidity in this country is killing me!)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

update.. finally!

Hi All,

I´m sorry it has taken so long to update.. I have a few more mintues before I need to leave the internet cafe I am in.. I don´t have interent right now as our internet at home is broken. (it has been down for about 2 weeks ish).

I am doing fine.. I am hot, tired, and have my 4th infection.. Something to do with my taste buds and mouth... I do not speak enough spanish to know what the doctor is saying what it is.. The nice thing is that I just go and talk to the doctor and they write me a prescription all while I am volunteering. It works great!

Right now there are a couple American groups here working around the Chinandega area... we are cooking food, building, serving them as they serve here. The groups leave tomorrow so life will sorta slow down... If you call this life slow! When you live with 12-15 people and everyone is going in different directions it´s hard for it to be slow.

I have been able to catch up on different things for Impact Nations which makes my heart a bit happier.. But now I need the interent to upload the information from my computer! Hopefully by the end of this week the interent will be up.

My Spanish is picking up some but I am still finding it easier to speak English with those who speak english instead of starting with spanish.. Please be praying that I do.. it is frustrating not being able to comunnicate the way I desire to. My heart desires to share my heart and passion with people in Spanish but it is difficult.

Please be praying for good sleep even if it is short and for joy even in the hot and tired places.

Please also be praying for the people who God is calling to come to Nicaragua in July. So far not many have signed up but I believe will provide the right people.

Many blessings!

Posted on Impact Nations website!

Hi Everyone,

I haven´t been able to post very often as it has been very iffy with the internet and it has been very busy here. But I wanted to take this opportunity to share about Nicaragua.

This July we have a journey coming here and I wish to share a little bit about Nicaragua in hopes that you will want to join us!

To start of with... being from Vancouver were it is not very hot.. It is hot here. And yet, it is so beautiful. And yet, it is a hard place to live. Most people here make about a dollar US a day (not all but most).. Most people do not live in a house with four walls that are sealed. It is usually tin, cardboard, scrap wood or plastic. Their floors are dirt and yet this is what they know.

I have been on a 4 missions trips now and Nicaragua is a great first time trip. Yes, you do see hard things... Yes, there might be culture shock.. But if God is tugging on your heart to go - one must go. If He is calling you, He will provide for all of your needs... The nice thing about coming here is that you have ac in your room, the vehicles and there is some serious good food!

I am praying that those who God is calling to go.. Will make that step to say, yes Lord, I will go..

Many blessings to you all

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tomorrow - ONE MONTH

So, tomorrow it will be ONE month since I have been in Nicaragua.. To say it's been a rough start is an understatement.

I arrived and was awake WAY too long which caused me to be exhausted for many days but I attempted to push through it. Though it didn't work too well!

Then the Calgary team came and I was so sick. I was probably bad but when they were around, I attempted to act like I was fine.. I really wasn't. After 8 meds and two weeks, I am doing better. I have lost a lot of weight and to this day it is still difficult to eat a lot so I am still loosing weight now..

It has been around 36 degrees the whole time I have been here. But I have adjusted so much that when the locals are cold, so am I. When they are gross and sweaty.. I'm just more sweaty and gross!

What have I been up to? Well it's been a mix of things... The ministry down here has a medical clinic so I have been working there a couple times a week. I have also been helping out at the feeding centres in the poor areas. We are also running medical clinics in poor areas throughout the area. I have also been to Managua more times than I can count doing errands as well as clinics, meetings with pastors, etc. Tomorrow (Saturday) I believe I am heading to another medical clinic in Tipitapa..

I am also working to get work done for Impact Nations . It has been a little difficult as there is so much going on here that I struggle to pin down the people I need, let alone have someone to take me to do what I need. (Please be praying about this as I desire to honour God and Impact more with this work). There is also a team coming from Impact Nations in August (just after I leave) and I am helping with some of the arrangements.. If you'd like to join them and see where I have been living, and do some sweet serving, please check it out here ... It also looks there there is a team coming from my church in Surrey.. Very exciting!

I have also been having fun.. After church, a group of us usually head to the beach and hang out. But we have also been to a couple other beaches and at one place we even went for a boat ride! My favourite part though is holding babies! People here see a white girl wanting their baby and just pass them up! It's so awesome. On Thursday, I was helping in Limonal with the cooking for the feeding centre and Pastor Carlos has a young nephew and I took him and was working while holding him. His mom was laughing at me but kept helping us work!

Though it has been difficult, I can truly say I have been enjoying being here. It has been good to be here.

Things I never thought I'd see:

*motorcycle with a guy on the back holding his bicycle (it's normal now but the first time.. not)
*a chicken become road kill (animals on the side of the road is very normal here)
*a taxi full of coolers that the back door can't close
*I'm sure there's more I just should have written them down sooner

Prayer Requests:
*I can continue to serve and serve well
*my Spanish will continue to increase and I will be willing to try to speak more.
*I can fulfill both duties (with El Shaddai and Impact Nations) well.
*my health will continue to improve and not get worse
*communication will continue and improve

Thanks for your prayers

Monday, June 6, 2011

Before, between, now

So as you have read.. I have been sick.. I thought I'd show some (HORRIBLE) photos of me...

About a month before I left
Five days in Nicragua

10 minutes ago (06/06/11) ** warning.. Not much clothes on.. sorry***


Her name is Indiana... You wouldn't know it now but she was a sexual worker... From my understanding she has 5 children.. Most of whom are also in the business. Through the ministry of El Shaddai, Indiana made the choice to change... Not just for her but for her youngest daughter, Grettel... (spelling may be off!)

One of the first things I did when I arrived was hear about her story.. I did not know it as I thought she was the housekeeper when I arrived. Though there she was at the house to serve the people here and did it ever so joyfully...

One of the first things I was told was that Indiana and Grettel were sleeping in a hammock together because their bed had worn out. I didn't grasp what that meant until later..

I had been told that a lovely lady had donated $100US to buy her and her daughter a bed. So off we went..

Then to her house... Some re-arranging needed to be done...
Yes, this is her house..
With the bed in it... If you look above... there is a hammock.. Those two slept in it for I don't know how long.. I can't imagine...

Indiana and her precious daughter were also blessed by the Calgary team that came as they 'moved' her house and built her a latrine!

This family is a blessing to us here at the house as she saves the day when people are sick and cooks for us! I pray that she will continue to keep strong and grow in her faith and raise her daughter to be a woman of God even in the area they are living.


My little buddy that I get to see every so often... He is my little Spanish teacher..

Masachapa - A resort...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Corinto, Nicaragua!

Corinto is on the Pacific Ocean.. It's beautiful.

Sick... Sick.. Sick

On Sunday, I woke up not feeling that well... Didn't want to eat.. was freezing even th
ough it was 35C outside.. By Monday I was worse and I couldn't keep water even in me. It was horrible. It turns out to be a stomach virus.. That 90% of the people at the clinic had. Most did not need medicine but because my system is not used to the virus' here I was handed a ton! Today, being Tuesday (at least I hope it is!), I woke up hungry and wanting to be up and about. I feel so much better. I'm still not eating a whole lot. Currently, rice crackers, which I completely forgot about until this morning.

The Calgary team is here and they seem to be doing well. I can't say much more than that because I have kinda been out of it.. Hopefully I'll join in working alongside of them tomorrow. I'm going to keep resting today as I can tell my energy is going to leave pretty quickly.

Please be praying for this team and for their health as well that I keep getting better!

Muchas Gracias!

Dios te bendiga!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Week

I have been here for one week now.

Currently, we are preparing for a team to come from calgary. There is a lot to do to prepare for a team to come. We have been to Managua (about 2 hours away) every day this week. (and will continue to - not just for the team coming though)

Today a few have gone to Managua again... I choose to stay and help at the Limonal Feeding Centre. We made oatmeal. Now you, North American people, this isn't the nice thick kind.. it's watered down to reach the maximum amout of kids. It is made over massive outdoor ovens which are heated with wood.. Each kid gets two scoops... I'd say over a hundred kids were served.

Then we went home for some good chicken.. It makes me sad that more cannot be done for the kids, however, Limonal is only one of 6 or 7 places where hundreds of kids are being fed.. Three times a week EACH! How amazing is that! These kids atleast have something to put in their bellies..

Personally, I am doing fine.. I got a lot of sleep over the last week that I mostly feel rested when I wake up.. However, after a shower you are ready for another sleep because it is so HOT! Hopefully I will loose some serious weight with this heat. (I'm sure I have already!)

Please be praying for the team that is coming from Calgary.. Many of them are not Christians. A couple guys invite their friends to come and serve- very cool idea!

Please pray that I keep healthy.. I haven't been feeling sick at all - PRAISE GOD!! - However, the rain hasn't started yet.

EDIT- I'll post some photos soon! I need to download my photos!

Friday, May 13, 2011


So.. I am here.. I'm tired.. Mostly because I didn't get the sleep I had hoped to on my flights. Once landed, I joined the El Shaddai team volunteering. We arrived in Chinandega at 1 in the morning.

As most of you know, it's hot here.. It's about 32 C... A big change from 10 C in Vancouver! However, I've manage to keep mostly cool.

I'm so tired that I cannot keep my thoughts together...

Thank you for all the love, gifts, spending time with me, and prayers! I would not be where I am without it!

I must rest!

Dios te bendiga!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Less than a week

So, I slept in big time yesterday.. It was ohh so wonderful. since sleep has been hard to come by when there has been so much to do.. Sadly, I am now awake and can't sleep!

Crazy thing is... It is under a week now that I get on a jet plane to got to Nicaragua. It is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

I am excited to return to Nicaragua and serve among them. However, there are many unknowns which makes it nerve-wracking. I am so glad that God knows what this will look like and who I am and how He will work.. I know that He is leading in this... I know that I am doing what I am called to do..

However, it doesn't make life much easier to leave the people back in Canada.. I feel so lucky to have some amazing friends and family... Like Michelle and Alana, who gave up time to help pack my suitcases! Like Amber, who gave me a sweet birthday present for my trip.. Like Carla, for the sweet visit and prayer... As well as many others, who are numerous to name (you know who you are) - you are such a blessing!

This weekend, I am taking a trip to my hometown to visit my immediate family (12 of them!) and say good bye as well as there are a few other things going on.

I return on Monday to work my last shift before my leave of absence (Hi Chris! Miss you already! Cough-stay-out-of-trouble-cough)... Then have one day, mostly packed full of visiting people and last minute things.. Then Wednesday, more last minute things and taking of for Seattle.

My flight is late at night so I arrive in Nicaragua close to noon Thursday, May 12th. (Time difference is one hour from PST)

Praying for God's will in all of this... As I can make plans for the days to come, however, He knows the exact steps!

Trusting in Him.

Prayer/Support Letter


Since I said I would post my letter, I guess I should do what I said I would...

Dear Friends and Family,

A year has almost past since I last was in Nicaragua and here I am writing you again! God has opened the doors for me to return to Nicaragua for three months!!!
May 11, 2011!! Yes, I know, it’s coming quick...
Where? I will be heading back to the same place I was last year! The city is called Chinandega.
With whom? I will be working alongside Impact Nations (impactnations.com)
Doing what? I will be following up on about a dozen projects completed over the past two years and the impact on the community involved. I will also working specifically in Limonal to set up projects for village transformation. I will also be doing administrative work, serving with the children, and adults and however God directs me! I’m excited!
Why am I writing? First and foremost, I need your prayer support. Secondly, this is an opportunity for you to support my life there as well as blessing the people.
To serve anywhere is difficult as well as the added things like language barriers, cultural differences and much more. This trip cannot be possible without people, like you, praying and believing for God’s Hand on what He is calling me to do while I am there.
What can you pray about?
* Language – I have been taking Spanish classes, however, this will be very different. Please pray I may be able to communicate appropriately.
* Health – it is heading into rainy season, which means malaria as well as other not so fun sicknesses but also different foods and water issues.
* Spiritual and emotional health is also very important.
* God will continue to lead and guide.
* My financial needs will be met.
How can you support me financially? The cost is all approximate but I believe the cost will be around $3000. If you wish to donate financially to this trip, there are a couple of options. You can sign onto impactnations.com and click donate (top right), then in CanadaHelps pick #577 Nicaragua (bottom of list). Or if you prefer, mail a cheque along with the donation paper below. The address: Impact Nations, 860 E.53rd Ave., Vancouver, BC, V5X 1J6.

I’d also love it if you kept in contact!

Many blessings to you!


I would like to support Nicole.

Donor Name:_________________________
Donor Address:________________________________________________
Phone No:__________________________ E-mail:____________________________________

There are two ways to donate:

1) Sign onto impactnations.com and click donate (top right), then in CanadaHelps pick #577 Nicaragua (bottom of list)

2) Cheques payable to Impact Nations.


Impact Nations
860 E.53rd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5X 1J6

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To Nicaragua - I will go...

Hi All,

Welcome to my newest blog.

This process started over a year ago but now it is official since I now have blog! :)

I went to Nicaragua in May 2010 and before I left I felt called to return for a longer period of time.

It has been a tough year for my family and yet, God has been faithful and I am returning.... SOON!

May 11th, 2011!

I am writing my prayer and support letter right now and need my blog on my letter so created one!

Once it's done, I'll post a copy of my letter...

Dios te bendiga!