2 Timothy 4:5

But you—keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant. (2 Timothy 4:5 the message)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

update.. finally!

Hi All,

I´m sorry it has taken so long to update.. I have a few more mintues before I need to leave the internet cafe I am in.. I don´t have interent right now as our internet at home is broken. (it has been down for about 2 weeks ish).

I am doing fine.. I am hot, tired, and have my 4th infection.. Something to do with my taste buds and mouth... I do not speak enough spanish to know what the doctor is saying what it is.. The nice thing is that I just go and talk to the doctor and they write me a prescription all while I am volunteering. It works great!

Right now there are a couple American groups here working around the Chinandega area... we are cooking food, building, serving them as they serve here. The groups leave tomorrow so life will sorta slow down... If you call this life slow! When you live with 12-15 people and everyone is going in different directions it´s hard for it to be slow.

I have been able to catch up on different things for Impact Nations which makes my heart a bit happier.. But now I need the interent to upload the information from my computer! Hopefully by the end of this week the interent will be up.

My Spanish is picking up some but I am still finding it easier to speak English with those who speak english instead of starting with spanish.. Please be praying that I do.. it is frustrating not being able to comunnicate the way I desire to. My heart desires to share my heart and passion with people in Spanish but it is difficult.

Please be praying for good sleep even if it is short and for joy even in the hot and tired places.

Please also be praying for the people who God is calling to come to Nicaragua in July. So far not many have signed up but I believe will provide the right people.

Many blessings!

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