2 Timothy 4:5

But you—keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant. (2 Timothy 4:5 the message)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Corinto, Nicaragua!

Corinto is on the Pacific Ocean.. It's beautiful.

Sick... Sick.. Sick

On Sunday, I woke up not feeling that well... Didn't want to eat.. was freezing even th
ough it was 35C outside.. By Monday I was worse and I couldn't keep water even in me. It was horrible. It turns out to be a stomach virus.. That 90% of the people at the clinic had. Most did not need medicine but because my system is not used to the virus' here I was handed a ton! Today, being Tuesday (at least I hope it is!), I woke up hungry and wanting to be up and about. I feel so much better. I'm still not eating a whole lot. Currently, rice crackers, which I completely forgot about until this morning.

The Calgary team is here and they seem to be doing well. I can't say much more than that because I have kinda been out of it.. Hopefully I'll join in working alongside of them tomorrow. I'm going to keep resting today as I can tell my energy is going to leave pretty quickly.

Please be praying for this team and for their health as well that I keep getting better!

Muchas Gracias!

Dios te bendiga!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Week

I have been here for one week now.

Currently, we are preparing for a team to come from calgary. There is a lot to do to prepare for a team to come. We have been to Managua (about 2 hours away) every day this week. (and will continue to - not just for the team coming though)

Today a few have gone to Managua again... I choose to stay and help at the Limonal Feeding Centre. We made oatmeal. Now you, North American people, this isn't the nice thick kind.. it's watered down to reach the maximum amout of kids. It is made over massive outdoor ovens which are heated with wood.. Each kid gets two scoops... I'd say over a hundred kids were served.

Then we went home for some good chicken.. It makes me sad that more cannot be done for the kids, however, Limonal is only one of 6 or 7 places where hundreds of kids are being fed.. Three times a week EACH! How amazing is that! These kids atleast have something to put in their bellies..

Personally, I am doing fine.. I got a lot of sleep over the last week that I mostly feel rested when I wake up.. However, after a shower you are ready for another sleep because it is so HOT! Hopefully I will loose some serious weight with this heat. (I'm sure I have already!)

Please be praying for the team that is coming from Calgary.. Many of them are not Christians. A couple guys invite their friends to come and serve- very cool idea!

Please pray that I keep healthy.. I haven't been feeling sick at all - PRAISE GOD!! - However, the rain hasn't started yet.

EDIT- I'll post some photos soon! I need to download my photos!

Friday, May 13, 2011


So.. I am here.. I'm tired.. Mostly because I didn't get the sleep I had hoped to on my flights. Once landed, I joined the El Shaddai team volunteering. We arrived in Chinandega at 1 in the morning.

As most of you know, it's hot here.. It's about 32 C... A big change from 10 C in Vancouver! However, I've manage to keep mostly cool.

I'm so tired that I cannot keep my thoughts together...

Thank you for all the love, gifts, spending time with me, and prayers! I would not be where I am without it!

I must rest!

Dios te bendiga!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Less than a week

So, I slept in big time yesterday.. It was ohh so wonderful. since sleep has been hard to come by when there has been so much to do.. Sadly, I am now awake and can't sleep!

Crazy thing is... It is under a week now that I get on a jet plane to got to Nicaragua. It is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

I am excited to return to Nicaragua and serve among them. However, there are many unknowns which makes it nerve-wracking. I am so glad that God knows what this will look like and who I am and how He will work.. I know that He is leading in this... I know that I am doing what I am called to do..

However, it doesn't make life much easier to leave the people back in Canada.. I feel so lucky to have some amazing friends and family... Like Michelle and Alana, who gave up time to help pack my suitcases! Like Amber, who gave me a sweet birthday present for my trip.. Like Carla, for the sweet visit and prayer... As well as many others, who are numerous to name (you know who you are) - you are such a blessing!

This weekend, I am taking a trip to my hometown to visit my immediate family (12 of them!) and say good bye as well as there are a few other things going on.

I return on Monday to work my last shift before my leave of absence (Hi Chris! Miss you already! Cough-stay-out-of-trouble-cough)... Then have one day, mostly packed full of visiting people and last minute things.. Then Wednesday, more last minute things and taking of for Seattle.

My flight is late at night so I arrive in Nicaragua close to noon Thursday, May 12th. (Time difference is one hour from PST)

Praying for God's will in all of this... As I can make plans for the days to come, however, He knows the exact steps!

Trusting in Him.

Prayer/Support Letter


Since I said I would post my letter, I guess I should do what I said I would...

Dear Friends and Family,

A year has almost past since I last was in Nicaragua and here I am writing you again! God has opened the doors for me to return to Nicaragua for three months!!!
May 11, 2011!! Yes, I know, it’s coming quick...
Where? I will be heading back to the same place I was last year! The city is called Chinandega.
With whom? I will be working alongside Impact Nations (impactnations.com)
Doing what? I will be following up on about a dozen projects completed over the past two years and the impact on the community involved. I will also working specifically in Limonal to set up projects for village transformation. I will also be doing administrative work, serving with the children, and adults and however God directs me! I’m excited!
Why am I writing? First and foremost, I need your prayer support. Secondly, this is an opportunity for you to support my life there as well as blessing the people.
To serve anywhere is difficult as well as the added things like language barriers, cultural differences and much more. This trip cannot be possible without people, like you, praying and believing for God’s Hand on what He is calling me to do while I am there.
What can you pray about?
* Language – I have been taking Spanish classes, however, this will be very different. Please pray I may be able to communicate appropriately.
* Health – it is heading into rainy season, which means malaria as well as other not so fun sicknesses but also different foods and water issues.
* Spiritual and emotional health is also very important.
* God will continue to lead and guide.
* My financial needs will be met.
How can you support me financially? The cost is all approximate but I believe the cost will be around $3000. If you wish to donate financially to this trip, there are a couple of options. You can sign onto impactnations.com and click donate (top right), then in CanadaHelps pick #577 Nicaragua (bottom of list). Or if you prefer, mail a cheque along with the donation paper below. The address: Impact Nations, 860 E.53rd Ave., Vancouver, BC, V5X 1J6.

I’d also love it if you kept in contact!

Many blessings to you!


I would like to support Nicole.

Donor Name:_________________________
Donor Address:________________________________________________
Phone No:__________________________ E-mail:____________________________________

There are two ways to donate:

1) Sign onto impactnations.com and click donate (top right), then in CanadaHelps pick #577 Nicaragua (bottom of list)

2) Cheques payable to Impact Nations.


Impact Nations
860 E.53rd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5X 1J6